YouTube Wiki:Channel page boilerplate

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Copy the text below, paste, and edit the boilerplate on a new page. Remove the </noinclude> closing tag at the start and the <noinclude> tag at the end of the page after pasting.

Use the InputBox above to quickly create channel pages!
</noinclude>{{Infobox channel
|channel_name    = 
|subscribers     = 
|views           = 
|years_active    = 
|as_of           = {{subst:#time:j F Y}}
*           Please leave the top part alone          *
*        The info sidebar is updated regularly       *
|image           =
|caption         =
|birth_name      =
|birth_date      =
|birth_place     =
|nationality     =
|residence       =
|website         = 
|pseudonym       = 
|genre           = 
|network         = 
|associated_acts = 

<!-- **Start with the auto-generated paragraph here or replace this with your own.** -->

*         Please leave the bottom part alone         *
*        The channel box is updated regularly        *

{{Channel page
|channel      =
|channel-link =
|image        = 
|subs         =
|cb-centered  =
|description  =
|joindate     =
|views        =
|be-name      =
|be-domain    =
|country      =
|link1-url    =
|link1-name   =
|link2-url    =
|link2-name   =
|link3-url    =
|link3-name   =
|link4-url    =
|link4-name   =
|link5-url    =
|link5-name   =