Amazon Employees Need Food Stamps To Live
Amazon Employees Need Food Stamps To Live | |
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Amazon Employees Need Food Stamps To Live talks about Ohioans working for Amazon with slave wages who are requiring food stamps...
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Published on Jan 11, 2018
Ohio Amazon Employees Need Food Stamps To Live
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Edited by Arno Bolbolian
The Jimmy Dore Show is a hilarious and irreverent take on news, politics and culture featuring Jimmy Dore, a professional stand up comedian, author and podcaster. With over 5 million downloads on iTunes, the show is also broadcast on KPFK stations throughout the country. It is part of the Young Turks Network-- the largest online news show in the world.
Category | News & Politics |
License | Standard YouTube License |
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everybody so you know predatory capitalism pays well if you eliminate your competition you operate at a loss you manipulate the tax the tax laws in different states so you don't you can undermine brick-and-mortar stores well guess what happens then guess what happens Jeff Bezos richest person in history of the world richer than any King in the history of the world richer than anybody there it is predatory capitalists and owner of the washington post's so this guy is literally and he looks like dr. evil he shaves his head so he'd go like this hmm so he's worth over a hundred billion dollars a hundred billion so if you spent a billion dollars of a week oh my god think about how much money that is he wouldn't couldn't spend it all in a year I'd have to take him so there he is the richest person in the world and you know how they do it right they'd get like I said predatory capitalism they get rid of unions they undermine the tax bases and local municipalities they squeeze they bribe politicians and that's why I bought the Washington Post so he'd keep influencing politicians politics he's also on the board a pentagon he's on a pennant he's in bed with the penet fucking gone and he's in bed with the CIA to the two to six hundred million dollars a year and Washington Post doesn't seem to have a critical story of him isn't that weird The Washington Post doesn't have a critical story it's like if Trump bought that Washington Post and they never wrote a negative story but that's what Trump should've did cuz it only cost two hundred million dollars his deal with the CIA he's worth three times that or 250 whatever he paid for it who wasn't much it wasn't much the guy's worth a hundred billion dollars he paid two hundred and fifty million dollars for the Washington Post that's nothing that's nothing and so why do I bring this up listen from the Columbus Dispatch Amazon makes lists of large companies with workers receiving food stamps so how do you how do you make the richest man in the world the richest man in the world on the backs of poverty wages by exploiting people not giving people a living wage that's how you do it you think some of that if he took fifty billion dollars and spread her around its company I bet everybody could have a living wage from now until the Year 2500 but that's not how capitalism works capitalism works like this one guy gets all the money and all the people who generate it get fucked and that's what's happening Amazon has become one of Ohio's largest employers after receiving tens of millions of dollars in state tax incentives really for building warehouses data centers and other projects along the way I wonder how much they had to bribe politicians to get those tax incentives I wonder how much money they bribe cuz that's how Jeff Bezos does his business by bribing people and and creating monopolies he's not a you know if that's what makes you a good businessman well Jimmy let's not forget there are about five cities right now doing the exact same thing trying to you know I did the other one to get Amazon to have a presence in their town I wonder if they're gonna see this article I wonder if they're gonna see how it's working out for a while let's say let's have Amazon come and lower lower our standard of living because that's what they do now the only giant has the online giant has quickly made its way onto another list one charting the state's employers with the most workers and their family members who also qualify for food stamps so this is the world we're in now since Ronald Reagan since 1980 when they started supply-side trickle-down economics and well it started with Jimmy Carter getting rid of the regulation around trucking Edie Ted Kennedy getting rid of the regulations around Airlines Ronald Reagan firing the patco the airline controller at traffic controllers decimating unions and Democrats going right along with it and not standing up well 30 40 years later what's the result the result is we have a two-tiered Society we have no middle class anymore we have rich and poor that's what that's where 63% of the country can't afford $1,000 emergency in the richest country in the world this is the results and everybody pull Jeff Bezos great job I love Jeff but Jeff Bezos is what's wrong with the goddamn economy Jeff Bezos is what's wrong and the people who prop him up I would like to see a reporter at the Washington Times write a critical story about Jeff Bezos and they won't because their ball is their bolus that's they get into journalism to do fucking journalism and what they're really doing is chasing a paycheck they still get to write good stories but not about the main guy it's like hey you can come write stories about Nazi Germany but nothing about Hitler okay that's what's going on at the Washington Post and they're the ones that people think we need to look to to a post Trump we need to oppose Jeff Bezos we need a newspaper to stand up to Jeff Bezos because this is what your country is what happens to your country when you let motherfuckers like Jeff Bezos on the paper of note bribe every goddamn politician and create monopolies do you know half of all internet purchases in the United States go through you don't think we should break that up I do but we're ain't gonna do it because the Democrats and Republicans worship corporate power we don't have a government anymore that represents people this is not a democracy how many times we have to tell you they've studied this it's an oligarchy what we want has no effect on the policies past perfect example gun legislation after Sandy Hook 90% of the country wanted gun legislation we didn't get it 80% of the people wanted a public option we didn't get it over half the country wants Medicare for all we ain't giving it what do you call that you call that an oleg Archy that's not a democracy that's not a government that reflects the will of the people it's the exact opposite it screws over the will of the people at the behest of money and Jeff Bezos people can't line up to kiss his balls hard enough Amazon had 1400 this is the story in America and it's not being told by The Washington Post it's not being told by the New York Times it's not being told here it is we got a local paper Columbus Dispatch they're gonna tell it and Amazon had 1430 workers and family members receiving benefits as of August the group said Friday a typical Food Stamp beneficiary receives benefits for about two people meaning Amazon likely has about 700 workers receiving food stamps more than 10% of its Ohio workforce the richest guy in the world the people who make his profits are in poverty nobody has a problem with that nobody says hey that's kind of effed up maybe we should I'm sure Rachel Maddow and Chris Heiser because Chris Hayes is an old Union reporter I bet he's gonna be screaming about it no to be eligible for food stamps a family of three could make no more than twenty six thousand two hundred and eight dollars a year or about twelve dollars and sixty cents an hour for someone working forty hours a week oh my god so someone working for the richest capitalist in the history of the world doesn't even make a $12.60 an hour yep that's prettier there's a little bit more to this Walmart the state's top private employer with fifty thousand workers also has the most employees and their families getting food stamps so our big employer so it used to be what I grew up Sears Roebuck was the big employer Sears right and guess what Sears did it paid a living wage to every person who worked at their goddamn store because we used to have this idea that workers got to have a living wage in America and they got to participate and enjoy some of the profits of their labor that stopped in 1980 coincidentally that stopped so that is no longer when I was a kid you could go be a guy aside who sold shoes at Sears and make a living and have a family and a car and go on two weeks vacation every year you could sell appliances you could sell lawn equipment you could sell men's suits you could do all that stuff at Sears and make a living wage now you work at Walmart it's the worst job in the goddamn City the biggest lawyer gives you slave wages poverty hey want to come work for us and being in poverty that's our big success that's capitalism's big success stories Walmart and base and Bezos Amazon those are capitalism's big success stories what does it tell you about capitalism it's fucked up and here's a guy Dylan Ratigan who I love who told the truth about the banks on MSNBC so he's got to do his news reports from a dock on a lake and here's even he can't help I love Dylan it can't help give it a tongue bath - Jeff Bezos Jeff Bezos is not a good guy Jeff Bezos is the face of evil right now you remember what Amazon would rather do at their fulfillment centers at their warehouses instead of putting an air conditioner in there they would rather hire an ambulance to sit outside their warehouse and when someone passes out they drive them to the hospital because that costs less money that's capitalism that's capitalism that's Jeff Bezos yay what's Dylan Ratigan he's gonna tell you the problem after a tongue bath here we go the real issue in America is the concentration of resources in an incredibly small number of hands whether it's Google and Facebook whether it's the two political parties in our political system or whether it's what's happening with Amazon a beautiful vision and incredible and executive an incredible executive an incredible company a beautiful executive what the what what what is great about this this kills our economy so I'm sure he means it in a different way than I'm hearing it because there's nothing good about what Jeff Bezos is doing he's creating he's undermining local tax bases he's bribing politicians he's buying the paper of note he's in bed with the deeps what the eff is and he's making all his employers employees in poverty what is good about that yeah he has an incredible vision of how to fuck over the country because that while enriching himself kind of a fucking vision is that well the vision of an evil genius that's the vision of a genius you know yes while he undermines at the tax base of local municipalities takes good jobs to turn him into shitty ones while he becomes the richest person in the history of the world that's a beautiful vision for a fucking evil genius exactly what Ron said so here now we're gonna get to the good part but a disastrous effect on our society as we're seeing the complete concentration of power so I just gotta ask that cause two things be the same how could it be a beautiful and a great vision and an amazing company but disastrous for everybody except Jeff Bezos well then it's not any of those things it's not any of those good things you said it's an evil geniuses plan to fuck over the country and enrich himself let's take it from the top the real issue in America is the concentration of resources in an incredibly small number of hands whether it's Google and Facebook whether it's the two political parties in our political system or whether it's what's happening with Amazon a beautiful vision an incredible and executive an incredible executive an incredible company but a disastrous effect on our society as we're seeing the complete concentration of power and as a result the destruction of the ability for a truly competitive capitalist environment so while it is impressive to see and I have incredible respect for Jeff Bezos and what he has done it is a total abdication of the authority of the antitrust commissions in this country to allow this level of consolidation of power to continue and it's reflected not only in our politics but as we saw with the Amazon deal in our business so I still I still stand by my admiration and affection for Dylan Ratigan and I don't understand that kind of need to you know give homage to Jeff Bezos a guy who's he bits he's had disastrous what Jeff Bezos is doing his brand of business has disastrous effects for the country and Jeff Bezos got guess what Dylan he doesn't give a fuck he doesn't give a fuck what he does to anybody or it does as the disastrous effects of his goddamn company you know what he gives a fuck about himself and you know why because he's a fucking maniac that's why because he is a narcissistic megalomaniac what do you think what kind of a person amass is a hundred billion dollars while his employees are starving what kind of a person does that a fucked up maniac who doesn't give a fuck about you the country the people who generate his income nobody nothing that's not a normal person and by the way he's in bed with the CIA's in bed with the Pentagon so you better any owns the Washington Post you better fucking watch it you say anything about the richest guy in the world fucking death maybe that's why Dylan said that shit because he knows say anything about the richest guy in the world you all right first of all the CIA's got every fucking phone call text and email you ever goddamn made anyway how does so this is the result this is this is the result of these are capitalism's to big success stories Walmart and Amazon and their employees are fucking in poverty well and you were talking about just the diminishing of workers rights and it goes beyond living wage I mean that's appalling enough in and of itself but it bleeds into other areas as well we did a story on how truck drivers were having to wear diapers to make their routes and that's happening with logistics you know I I used to be a road comic I would travel 45 we see or I met a couple truckers in my pursuits and they would they would tell me like the routes that they're given generally by these big companies Amazon being one of them but there's other culprits too like they're not possible to keep like you have to cook the books to make your routes and if you don't make your routes guess what happens you lose your job so these people are on the road and they're tired and they're overworked and that's not just dangerous for the worker that's dangerous to everybody else on the road too so I mean these workers protections that have been gutted with reduced benefits loss over time I mean it really is it is 40 years of neoliberal nonsense and corporatism that's gotten us to this point and you know what these people that are working at Amazon they're our neighbors you know what I mean they are just people that we see all the time that are the working poor and they like it that way they keep you poor they keep you you voiceless you have no voice you have no protections and that's the way the economy is working and when the Democrats get their heads out of their ass and start giving us a jobs program we won't have to deal with people like Jeff Bezos who's exploiting every person that he comes in contact with and you know why people go to work for Jeff Bezos and Walmart cuz there aren't any of their jobs somebody thinking well I'd like to have this good job but maybe I go work a shitty one for a while it doesn't pay me well well there's no other jobs that's just like Steph said the Democrats should be proposing an infrastructure spending bill that gives people jobs who want one Ron well I was just gonna say there's also sort of this this stigma in the contemporary in the United States where it's like you're in the wrong to want more yeah you're in the wrong to want what you deserve as a worker working an honest job for 40 hours a week which is a living wage benefits and in a reasonable working environment a lot of people get none of those things and it's crazy to want something better well no it's not crazy we used to have that in this country and we were a very flourishing country when that was a case and we needed to go back to that again there's capitalism success story here's your fucking success story there's a success story top private employee Boyer the most employees and families getting food stamps that's that's not a special kind of capitalism that's capitalism that's just regular capitalism that's where it leads that's regular capitalism that's where it leads and that's why you have to have unbelievable regulation you have to make sure that there's unions you have to protect them like FDR did you have to protect unions otherwise you get this this is what you get you get a handful of rich motherfuckers and the rest of the country's poor and you know what that means that means a revolution that means people in the streets how much longer do you think you could do how much long do you think people can see headlines like Jeff Bezos the richest motherfucker in the world and his employees are starving how much longer do you think when people who have anything left to lose they're gonna go into the streets and they're gonna find out where Jeff Bezos lives and they're gonna go to his house let's have a march on Jeff Bezos House is that wrong to do let's you know what he's the richest guy in the world I bet he can afford security I say I'm gonna find out where he lives and I'm gonna say let's get it let's have a March - Jeff Bezos House and a squaddie what he's gonna do with that hundred billion dollars and why doesn't he pay a living wage let's figure that out if you know where he lives sent it to me I'll look it up me guess I just want to read one of Jeff Bezos tweets about philanthropy Jeff Beck yes please read it stuff Jeff let's get ready for a bunch of bullshit ladies and gentlemen this is a request for ideas yeah he doesn't know how to help people he has yes that outsource ideas on how to help people I'm thinking about philanthropy strategies that is the opposite of how I mostly spend my time working on the long term for philanthropy I find I'm drawn to the other end of the spectrum right now yeah as one example I'm very inspired and moved by the work done at Mary's place here in Seattle I like long-term it's a huge lever Blue Origin Amazon Washington Post all these are contributing to the society and civilization in their own ways but I'm thinking I want much of my philanthropic activity to be helping people I think here and now so you know what I said to him when he sent when he tweeted that out I said here's an idea for your philanthropy why not pay your workers a living wage you fucking douchebag but you won't pay them a living wage cuz you don't give a fuck about people you don't want to do philanthropy you know give us shit you gave a shit about people you'd give them a living wage and Jeff Bezos doesn't give a fuck about you or and the people who generated his income his profits he doesn't care about anybody in this country he has a care about anybody but himself like a true narcissistic megalomaniac which is what he is with a lot of power hangs around with the Secretary of Defense the richest guy in the world hanging out the Secretary of Defense any owns the Washington Post and half of all all internet purchases in the United States go through him what could go wrong what could possibly go wrong oh this could happen everybody who works who works for a living in the United States is fucking broke how about that the meantime make sure you're still subscribed because they don't want you to see this news show they want you to watch bullshit like MSNBC and CNN that's what they're pushing on YouTube right now I just saw a video today from MSNBC that was a piece of shit video that no one would have watched a year ago it had 250,000 views no one used to watch MSNBC on YouTube no one so they recount they read got a new algorithm that fucks over independent news people in favor of them and now they're getting 250,000 views Rachel Maddow never got that on YouTube Chris Hayes never dared to beg people they thought Luke Russert was gonna be their conduit to the fuckin YouTube people you'd Luke Russert that's that's their idea to give to YouTube people you Luke Russert so please make sure you're subscribed and even if you think you are double check and then click that Bell so you get a notification when we drop a video please make sure if you watch us through Xbox or whatever they're going to unsubscribe you so make sure you're subscribed and come see one of our live shows February 16th it's a Friday night in Burbank California we have a list of shows go to jimmy dore comedy comm become a patron thanks for your support you |
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48px | 📌 Pinned by the uploader |
2018-01-11 | |
Next LIVE Jimmy Dore Show Feb 16th Burbank Ca. Tickets for all live shows here: | |
Reply • 33 👍 👎 View all 44 replies 🔽 |
48px |
2018-01-11 |
It truly delights me when you rip on Amazon. Thanks Jimmy, doesn't seem like many people have the balls to do it. |
Reply • 287 👍 👎 View all 23 replies 🔽 |
48px |
2018-01-11 |
You inspired me to cancel my Amazon prime membership. Like if you are going to cancel yours! |
Reply • 141 👍 👎 View all 12 replies 🔽 |
48px |
2018-01-11 |
JIMMY DORE: Definitely on the shadow ban list.
. . . This man should have way more subs and followers, there is no question his channel is being sidelined (shadow banned), due to his honest criticism of the Dems. It's sad to see. |
Reply • 165 👍 👎 View all 16 replies 🔽 |
48px |
2018-01-11 |
Thank you for spitting truth against the oligarchy Jimmy. |
Reply • 97 👍 👎 View all 4 replies 🔽 |